Cookie Policy

We use Cookies to enable you to benefit from our website ( in the most efficient way and to improve your user experience. When you log in to our website, you are asked a question as to whether you accept the use of cookies. Cookies will be active after selecting 'Accept'. If you change your mind later and do not prefer the use of Cookies, you can always delete or block Cookies from your browser settings. However, we would like to remind you that this may affect your use of our website. Cookies will continue to be used on this site unless you change your Cookie settings on your browser. The purposes for which cookies are used and how long they are stored are stated below. You share some information and data with us, directly or indirectly, for the use of the services on our site. This information is the personal information you provide when registering to the site (such as name, e-mail address, telephone) or the information we collect during your use of the site (using the contact form, commenting, etc.) (IP, device, location and browser information, navigation and interaction content, data such as date and connection duration). We take utmost care in storing your information and data. Our website does not share your Cookie data stored on our server with third parties.